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هام فيما يخص استلام شهادات التخرج قسم اللغة والادب العربي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن تسليم شهادة التخرج قسم اللغة والأدب العربي تخصص دراسات أدبية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


اعلان عن تسليم شهادات التخرج قسم الآداب واللغة الفرنسية‎‎

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن تسليم شهادة التخرج قسم اللغة والأدب العربي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن مناقشة اطروحة دكتوراه خاصة بالطالب عواس الودي يوم الثلاثاء 02 جويلية 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن مناقشة اطروحة دكتوراه لطالبة أمال عبودي يوم الأحد30 جوان 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


اعلان هام بالطلبة المعنيين بالتكريم

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


اعلان بخصوص ايداع مذكرات التخرج(الماستر) لدى مكتبة الكلية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه حول تنظيم جامعة صيفية تتعلق بــ لينيكس والبرمجيات الحرة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages



Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


إعلان هام بالطلبة المتفوقين كلية الأداب واللغات

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


دعوة لحضور اجتماع المجلس العلمي للكلية في دورته العادية الرابعة للموسم الجامعي 2024/2023

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


قائمة خاصة بالطلبة ملزمون بتسوية وضعياتهم امام قسم المنح قبل تبرئتهم

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إستدعاء خاص بالطلبة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


استدعاء* قسم اللغة والادب العربي*

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إستدعاء للمثول أمام المجلس التاديبي للكلية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إستدعاء للمثول أمام المجلس التاديبي لقسم اللغة واادب العربي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages



Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن مناقشة اطروحة الدكتوراه لطالب كيرد سمير

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان عن مناقشة اطروحة الدكتوراه لطالبة ريم كلثوم

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان للطلبة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان هام

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان هام

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان هام

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان لفائدة الطلبةسنة ثانية ماستر فئة 20 بالمئة قسم اللغة والأدب العربي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان لفائدة الطلبة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


تعليمة خاصة بمناقشة مذكرات الماستر لطلبة كلية الأداب واللغات

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


دعوة لطلبة الماستر لحضور لقاء إعلامي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


برنامج الامتحانات التعويضية للطلبة الغائبين عن امتحانات السداسي الثاني قسم الاداب و اللغة الفرنسية للسنة الدراسية:2024/2023

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


قسم اللغة والأدب العربي إعلان للطلبة لمعاينة أوراق الامتحان

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Bourses jean sénac 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان خاص ببرمجة الإمتحانات المؤجلة لقسم اللغة الفرنسية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


إعلان خاص ببرمجة الإمتحانات المؤجلة لقسم اللغة والأدب العربي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


الطبعة الأولى من التظاهرة العلمية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


Programme de bourses américaines fulbright

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دعوة للمشاركة الصالون الوطني للابتكار في خدمة التنمية المستدامة الطبعة الأولى

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


اعلان عن تعليق برمجة الامتحانات‎

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


محضر اجتماع المجلس العلمي لكلية الآداب و اللغات الدورة 10 الاستثنائية

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


جائزة الأمير نايف للأمن العربي لعام2024

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


Formal standards for preparing the graduation thesis for the academic season 2023-2024 (master of audiovisual/master of history of resistance and the algerian national movement)

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences


إعلان بخصوص سير الإمتحانات السداسي الثاني السنة الجامعية 2023/2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Clloque international technologie, culture et société: repenser le rapport a soi et au collectif en milieu numérique le 01-02 octobre 2024:

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


ملتقى دولي حول النقد الترجمي -حضوري وعن بعد- بتاريخ 25-26 نوفمبر 2024

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معرض الطالب المبتكر في اطار الاحتفال بعيد الطالب - 19 ماي 2024

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إعلان للأساتذة المعنيين بالاستفادة من السكن الوظيفي المسترجع

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


Second semester exams 2023/2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


عرض منح دراسية بدولة كولومبيا بالمعهد الكولومبي (icetex)

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Offre de bourse à l’université d’insubrie, italie

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محضر المجلس العلمي للكلية الدورة 09 العادية المنعقدة بتاريخ 2024/03/20

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


Colloque national la méthodologie de la recherche techniques d'investigation et puissance de la pensée

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The first international forum on terminology in specialized arabic dictionaries

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National forum for satirical discourse in arts and literature

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نتيجة مبارات كأس الجامعة

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Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


اعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه سنة اولى دفعة 2023 بجامعة عباس لغرور حنشلة لاجتياز امتحان تحديد المستوى في مادة اللغة الانجليزية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


يوم تحسيسي حول آفة التدخين والمخدرات

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


الملتقى الدولي النقد الترجمي -الحدود والآفاق-

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Colloque international :technologie culture et société repenser le rappot à soi et au collectif en milieu numérique

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كأس الجامعة يوم 30 افريل 2024

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Study day on: security and cybercrime

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Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


دعوة للمشاركة في أولمبياد اللغة الإنجليزية العالمي للجامعات 2024 بالأردن

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


كلية الأداب واللغات الملتقى الوطني الثالث حول: موضوع مخطوطات التراث الأدبي الجزائري في المكتبات الوطنية - القيمة والدور الحضاري

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


الملتقى الوطني الأول بعنوان: السرد الروائي النسوي العربي (بین خصوصیة الكتابة وھاجس الاختلاف)

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


. the occasion of science day, which falls on the sixteenth of april a scientific and cultural competition between students of the six faculties of abbes laghrour university

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


إعلان هام لطلبة السنة الثانية ماستر فئة 20 بالمئة وطلبة السنة الثالثة ليسانس

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


A gift from the president of the algerian muslim scholars association, dr. ammar talbi, to khenchela university

The Central Library


إ عــــــــــــــلان مسابقة التنشيط الاذاعي

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


إعلان _أطروحتي في 180 ثانية

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Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


إعلان لطلبة كلية الآداب واللغات قسم اللغة الإنجليزية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Poetry night

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An invitation to participate in a special exhibition of innovations

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Science And Technology


Radio activation

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National petanque championship

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نشاطات بمناسبة يوم العلم الموافق ل : 16 أفريل 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


الاحتفال باليوم الوطني للطالب 19 ماي تنظم وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي فعاليات علمية و رياضية و التي ستتضمن معرض للمنتجات البحثية المطورة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


"appel à candidature "andré mandouze

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Offre de bourse d’études de l’université « ada » d’azerbaidjan

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


المنح الدراسية المقدمة من طرف البنك الإسلامي للتنمية لعام 2024-2025

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


France execellence ifa – phd scholarships 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


تمديد الاجال للتسجيل في المنصات الرقمية المفتوحة على مستوى لجان السكن، إلى غاية 31 مارس 2024.

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


عيد النصر-يوم الشهيد -19مارس 2024

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إعلان لطلبة كلية الآداب واللغات

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Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


6th international conference on electrical engineering and control applications (iceeca'24)

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Deux programmes de bourses « ui great » et « ui shine »

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يوم تحسيسي حول مرض الحمى المالطية (مرض حليب) يوم 28 فيفري 2024 قاعة المحاضرات c على الساعة 9:30

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


English language policies in algeria : the future of education and english language policies in algeria : language policy and reform in education: from decolonization through democratization to global ‘citizenization’ language policy and reform in education: from decolonization through democratization to global ‘citizenization’

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The third national forum: the future of education and policies for (adopting) the english language in algeria

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حملة التبرع بالدم يوم 19 فيفري 2024

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إنطلاق أيام الماستر

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Le département de français avis aux étudiants 3 eme année

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حملـــــــــــة نظافـــــــــــة

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


دور ة تنس الطاولة يوم الثلاثاء 13 فيفري 2024 ببهو الكلية

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


احياء ذكرى اليوم الوطني للشهيد 18 فيفري 2024

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Natural And Life Sciences


Annonce de soutenance de doctorat de l'etudiante belhouchet khaoula

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Annonce de soutenance de doctorat de l'etudiante benmadani sara

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Annonce de soutenance de doctorat de l'etudiante elhis aicha

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An awareness day for students registered under ministerial resolution no. 1275, a certificate of a start-up institution/patent

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Law And Political Science


إعلان عن مناقشة أطروحة دكتوراه للطالب محمد بوشاكور

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


برنامج المؤتمر الدولي الدراســـات البينية من فقر التخصص إلى غنى التعدد (نحو إنتاج جديد لمعرفة جديدة)

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


برنامج المنح لدولتي رومانيا وتركيا للسنة الدراسية 2024-2025

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' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


ندوة علمية بعنوان فعل القراءة بين الفائدة والمتعة بمشاركة ثلة من أساتذة الكلية د/ عبد الجبار علوي د/نبيلة سكاي د/ نورة بوغقال د/ عليمة حمزاويد/ إيمان مرداسي

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International commogue:enseignement du langue cultures outils approches pratique pédagogiques et perspective

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' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


برنامج الملتقى الوطني الثاني حول منطقة توات و دورها الحضاري والعلمي من خلال مخطوطات اللغة والادب

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


2 ème séminaire national hybride biotechnologie et biodiversité microbienne (bbm, 2023)

Upcoming Dates


Ph.d. project "educational languages" in coordination with the college of arts and languages organized by: under the auspices of the university rector, prof. abdul wahed shala, a symposium titled: quranic grammar - terminology limits and scientific miracles - and chaired by / prof. dr. saleh khadiche

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An educational workshop for the benefit of 3rd theme students: how to raise awareness among 3rd license students for the choice of specialty

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


1 st national (hybrid) conference on: the future of education and english language policies in algeria: applicability of the generalization process of english language use in higher education institutions

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Activities of the national forum: telling memory in contemporary narratives, present and remote

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The first national forum is titled: digital education in algeria, obstacles and challenges, in attendance and from a distance

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' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The department of arabic language and literature is pleased to invite you (professors, students, and those interested) to attend the activities of the scientific symposium the very short story, studies and approaches in aspects of the critical study

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' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Waiting for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of independence and the twentieth anniversary of abbas lagharour khenchela university, under the supervision of the university rector, prof. shala abdel wahed, and the social services committee of abbas lagharour khenchela university: a ceremony is organized in honor of the university's female employees in the great lecture hall.

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


In view of the great importance that the higher education and scientific research sector attaches to environmental education, the national environmental education competition 2023 edition was organized under the slogan "our environment is our future".

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The 2022-2023 annual doctoral colloquium on the methodology for developing a doctoral thesis and the publication of a scientific article february 21 and 22, 2023 at the central campus auditorium from 9:00 a.m

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Within the framework of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of independence and the twentieth anniversary of abbas laghrour khenchela university and on the occasion of the commemoration of the national martyr's day, abbas laghrour university -khenchela organizes a literary symposium in which the algerian poet suleiman djawadi and professors: abdelhamid heima, prof.dr. ali mallahi, prof. dr. omar aylan, central university.

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' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and literature organises a international symposium : we're talking about a speech! discourse analysis at the crossroads of approaches, organized by: dr hassani aida rima

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The department of literature and french language organizes a study day on “data collection tools from design to application”. professor: bouzidi souria

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and literature organises a international symposium : we're talking about a speech! discourse analysis at the crossroads of approaches, organized by: dr hassani aida rima

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Information day about the duties and rights of the university student regarding social security

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The department of literature and french language organizes a study day on “data collection tools from design to application”. professor: bouzidi souria

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An awareness video of ministerial resolution 1275 in english

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The first national conference entitled: narration and walking, presence and distance

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A study day and training workshops on preparing graduation notes for year 1 and year 2 students of the master of english at the center for intensive education and languages - public invitation -

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International conference the pandemic and its manifestations in literature and art

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


International conference the pandemic and its manifestations in literature and art

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The department of arabic language and literature organizes a seminar entitled the : reflections on quranic stories

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of arabic language and literature internationa conference interactive text between creativity and criticism reality and prospects

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of arabic language and literature internationa conference interactive text between creativity and criticism reality and prospects

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and an letirature organises a international symposium entitled : views on linguistic policy in algeria, between legislation and sociolinguistic reality.

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and an letirature organises a international symposium entitled : views on linguistic policy in algeria, between legislation and sociolinguistic reality.

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The department of arabic language and literature organizes the first national forum entitled: the problem of critical curricula in the context of arab reception remote presence in coordination with the prfu research project, the problematic of the curriculum in contemporary algerian criticism between theoretical discourse and applied practice, setif university -02-

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The department of arabic language and literature organizes the first national forum entitled: the problem of critical curricula in the context of arab reception remote presence in coordination with the prfu research project, the problematic of the curriculum in contemporary algerian criticism between theoretical discourse and applied practice, setif university -02-

Student Space Of The Faculty Of Letters And Languages


The beginning of the study at the la faculté des lettres et des langues, where the dean of the faculty, professor rachid belaifa, inspected the study sections for students at the faculty level, where it was recommended that students attend and return to the study seats

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Receiving new students at the faculty of letters and languages

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Department of french language and literature organises international symposium : views on language policy in algeria, between legislation and sociolinguistic reality.

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Département de littératures et langue française organise un colloque internationale : regards sur la politique linguistique en algérie, entre législation et réalité sociolinguistique.

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and literature organises a study day on june 15, 2022 . methodology of oral presentation mode of communications face-to-face and remote

' Teachers' Space Faculty Of Letters And Languages


Department of french language and literature organises a study day on june 15, 2022 . methodology of oral presentation mode of communications face-to-face and remote

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National conference, america between dreams and identity depictions of the american dream in literature, cinema and popular culture: prospects, hopes, and failures

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Training workshop

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Celluloid racism in american cinema: reel representation of minorities, muslims and arabs in pre- and post- 9/11 hollywood films

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The laboratory of contemporary critical imaginary and modernist studies of thought and language and literature organises a scientific seminar, amphi i

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The department of arabic language and literature organises a scientific seminar

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The department of arabic language and literature organises a scientific seminar entitled the status of algerian novle in khenchela province : experimentations and testimonies. .

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Upcoming Dates


Upcoming Dates


The first virtual international forum on violence, extremism and terrorism in its religious, political and social dimensions

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The national forum on: family and awareness media in confronting the novel coronavirus pandemic (reality and bets)

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